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Inheritance in C Sharp

Anonymous User5364 17-Jul-2010

Inheritance allows us to reuse existing code which saves time. It is basic concept of

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS).

Here, I am going to demonstrate the use of inheritance through an example.


 Inheritance in C Sharp

//creating instance ofchild class
designation de = new designation();
 private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//calling assign() function of parent class through child class
  de.assign(int.Parse(txtID.Text),txtName.Text.Trim(), txtAddress.Text.Trim(), txtDOB.Text.Trim());
//calling function of child class
private void btnParent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//calling parent class display() method through instance of child class by type casting child class to //parent class.

 Inheritance in C Sharp


 private void btnChild_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//calling display() method of child class

 Inheritance in C Sharp

//creating parent class ‘employee’
    public class employee
        int id;
        string name;
        string address;
        string dob;
//constructor to initialize variables
        public employee()
            id= 0;
            name= null;
            address= null;
            dob= null;
        public void assign(int i, string n, string add, string d)
//assigning values to variables
            id= i;
            name= n;
            address= add;
            dob= d;
        public void display()
//displaying values
            MessageBox.Show("ID: " +id.ToString() + "\nName: " + name + "\nAddress:" + address + "\nDateof Birth: " + dob,"Parent");
//creating child class ‘designation’ which will inheret ‘employee’. To inheret parent class we use colon (:)
    public class designation : employee
        string desig;
        string branch;
        public designation()
            desig= null;
            branch= null;
        public void assign(string d, string b)
//assigning values to variables of child class
            desig= d;
            branch= b;
        public new void display()
//calling display() method of base class
//displaying values of variables of child class
            MessageBox.Show("Designation: " + desig + "\nBranch: " + branch,"Child");


Updated 04-Mar-2020
I am a content writter !

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