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Laser hair removal and all the things you need to know about it

Laser hair removal and all the things you need to know about it

Cosmetic Dermatology779 16-Jan-2020

Laser hair removal is the process of removing hair from roots permanently by destroying the hair follicle. It is done by exposing the hair follicles to the pulses of laser light again and again until it totally destroys. The laser hair treatment came into the market in between 1995-1996 but it was being performed before. Laser hair removal treatment is widely performed in several clinics as well as at home using some specific appliances. This process is very safe and effective in getting rid of unwanted body or facial hair. Laser Hair Removal Delhi has over a decade of experience in this field in case you want to go there.

Overview of Laser hair removal

Shaving, tweezing or waxing is a much more painful process of removing unwanted hair from the body but laser hair removal is a much easier and painless way of removing unwanted hair from your body. Laser hair removal usually takes a few sittings to make the unwanted hair disappear from your face or any part of your body. Laser Hair Removal Delhi performs tons of laser hair removal every month. In this permanent laser hair removal treatment, concentrated laser light is targeted in the root of the hair which slowly reduces the melanin present in hair and lastly kills the hair follicle so that it can't produce hair.

Advantages of permanent laser hair removal

Permanent Laser Hair Removal Delhi can be done in both men and women. By this permanent hair removal process, unwanted hairs from all over the body like face, arms, legs, underarms, back, chest, abdomen, bikini area and ears. Some advantages of using permanent hair removal treatment are:
this non-invasive procedure takes off all the unwanted hair from any part of the body painlessly.
Works better on the places that have a large surface because then it can work on more than one hair follicle at a time.
it makes the skin shade more even-toned and equal.
replaces all the inconvenience of waxing, threading shaving and all.
no downtime.

Comparison between shaving and permanent laser hair removal

Shaving is the process where a razor consisting of a thin and sharp blade helps to remove the unwanted hairs from the body surface. Shaving can give you cuts and wounds. Shaving is also a temporary thing. In some cases shaving also cause irritation and rashes on the skin which leads to redness and itches. Besides the shaving process is very messy and tike taking. Now that you know all the benefits of laser hair removal treatment you can choose from this two and take the treatment from Permanent Laser Hair Removal Delhi.

Comparing with Waxing

Waxing is another hair removal process. It is another way of removing unwanted hair from your body it lasts more than shaving but it is not permanent. In this procedure, the hairs get removed from the root but the follicle doesn't get destroyed that's why it grows back after some time. The waxing process is very painful and some time can cause redness and irritation on the. Whereas, Laser hair removal treatment is totally painless and it destroys the hair follicle from the root so that it cannot grow back. 

Here is all you need to know about laser hair removal read it carefully to know the details.

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