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5 daily habits for people with desk jobs

5 daily habits for people with desk jobs

Jamie Costello703 21-Oct-2019

Careers that involve the tedious desk job can be affecting your health in surprising ways that you may not know about. If you think about it, bar taking your lunch and taking the odd coffee break, you’re practically sitting in your chair for the majority of the day. This can cause you to pack on the pounds and leave you feeling rather stiff and a bit uncomfortable.

Studies have shown that even if you eat healthily during your time at work, you’re still prone to put on weight and sitting long hours at your desk can even make you more prone to injury when engaging in physical activity. This makes it extremely important to ensure you’re active throughout the day and prevent you from feeling rigid in the future.

If you have the benefit of a remote job that’s in tech, for example, you can have the added benefit of working flexibly which provides more time to get in your daily habits. Here are some useful tips to stay healthy and active whilst being in a desk job.

Exercise where possible

Think of your exercise schedule a bit like your work schedule. You probably have regular meetings scheduled in that you attend in your planner, so do the same for your exercise. Whether it’s doing some sit-ups in the office, going to the gym before work or going for a run after work, there’ll be ways that you can incorporate exercise into your busy schedule.

For those who have a flexible job, you might be able to fit in a gym session when you have your lunch or go for a run.

Sneaking out of the office for an energising lunch will have you feel more enthusiastic for your afternoon shift.

Request/try a standing desk

It’s important to stretch your legs regularly whilst working in an office job. It helps to keep your blood flowing throughout the day and prevents your limbs and bones from aching. 

In the modern generation, businesses are trying to incorporate innovative design ideas into their office spaces to make work more engaging for staff. One way this is made possible is through standing desks to promote increased blood flow to reduce the risks of cancers and diseases. 

Walk for meetings

Some office spaces can seem dull and confined which makes it easy for you to resort to staying within your boundaries of the office and even having meetings at your desk. However, there are ways you can prevent yourself from resorting to boardrooms and small rooms in the office. Instead, why not try walking meetings instead? Remaining active whilst brainstorming ideas is a great way to increase productivity and help to gauge new ideas.

Remain alert

Hours can easily pass by in what may seem quick succession when you're stuck under the files at work. This can stray you away from the fact that your back’s in knots and knees are practically crumbling.

There are ways to remind yourself about remaining active while you’re slaving away at work rather than resorting to high strength fish oil tablets to remain healthy on your seat. One method is to keep alerts on your phone or through your computer which can go off every half an hour. There are several fitness apps that provide tips on keeping active even when you’re not. It will give you the time to stretch your legs or go on a little stroll for a few minutes. Even little motions can make a big difference to remaining proactive with your work.

These are great natural methods to keep energised and alert throughout the day rather than resulting to digestive health supplements or coffee to get you through your shift. 

Travel the distance

It can be relatively easy to spend hours in your chair while you’re working, so sometimes you may need a little motivation to get up and on your feet. If you work in a large communal office, choose longer routes to your destination. Walk to your meeting, ride a bicycle or take the stairs instead of the lift. All of these can be healthier options when trying to keep mobile at work.

You need to do more

Research has shown that simply eating well isn’t enough to keep you healthy whilst in a desk job. Sitting all day can put your health at risk, therefore, trying to incorporate these methods to keep active will be sure to boost your productivity throughout the working day and prevent you from dozing off or feeling unmotivated at work. 

I'm an experienced business writer who uses experience from education and previous work experiences to collate my articles. There are various topics that I've written about including commercial property, management tips and work disputes.

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