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Shrikant Mishra 1170 28-Sep-2019

What is XML?

Where XML is a markup language but it is not similar to HTML. Which is designed to store data. This is popularly used for data storage or transfer of data. This is case sensitive. The XML offers you to define markup elements and generate customized markup language. The root unit in XML is known as an element. The extension of XML file is .xml

What is HTML?

The HTML is a markup language which helps you to create and design web content. That has a variety of tag and attributes for defining the layout and structure of the web document. This is designed to display data in a formatted manner. The HTML documents has the extension .htm or .html.

We can edit HTML code in any basic code editor, even notepad. And the edited code can be executed in any browser. The browser renders the tags used and present the content you want to display with or without applied formatting.

The Features of XML

  • The XML tags are not predefined. You need to define your customized tags.
  • The XML was designed to carry data, not to display that data.
  • The Mark-up code of XML is easy to understand for a human.
  • Well, structured format is easy to read and write from programs.
  • The XML is an extensible markup language like HTML.

Features of HTML

  • This is a simple language which supports the authoring of web pages.
  • Rich enough to provide support for multimedia embedding in documents
  • Flexible enough to support hypertext linking

Example of XML

<?xml version="1.0>

<name> ABC </name>
<contact> 9988776655 </contact>
<email> </email>
<birthdate> 1985-09-27 </birthdate>

Example of HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title> Page title </title> </head>
<hl> First Heading</hl> <p> First paragraph.</p> </body>

Updated 16-Nov-2019
I'm a professional writer and Business Development with more than 10 years of experience. I have worked for a lot of businesses and can share sample works with you upon request. Chat me up and let's get started.

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