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Natural Masks For Whitening Oily Face

Natural Masks For Whitening Oily Face

Harshit mehta484 09-Sep-2019

Usually, women use makeup equipment more frequently in their daily activities, but if they do not pay attention to cleanliness and proper skin care they can cause facial skin problems, as the face becomes dull and oily. Many women who want to have clean, white and dull skin. Therefore, many women who do facial treatments are even willing to spend expensive to treat their face in the salon or beauty clinic in order to have beautiful facial skin as charming as they want.

But for women who do not have much free time to do facials in a beauty salon or clinic or who cannot afford to buy good beauty products that are very expensive, it does not hurt if you try to do facials beauty treatments naturally using Safe and natural ingredients without side effects.

Natural skin whitening masks

There are many natural ingredients that are useful for treating dull and oily faces, so that the facial skin will look brighter, whiter and dull. The following are some natural masks that you can wear, which include:

Potatoes and yam are a natural ingredient that is very effective in whitening fat faces quickly and safely without side effects.

How to make potatoes Face Mask

  • First, peel the potatoes and yam, then clean them.
  • After that, cut into small pieces and puree with a blender.
  • Before using it, first clean your facial skin with a special facial soap for oily skin. Dry with a soft, clean towel.
  • Then apply the potato masks and yam that you did previously evenly on the skin of the face and neck, then let stand for 30 minutes until the mask is dry.
  • Rinse well with clean water.

For best results, do this treatment regularly and regularly every night before bedtime.

Mask with honey

Another powerful natural ingredient to treat oily skin problems is to use honey. In addition to having a very delicious taste and good for health, honey can also be used as a natural mask to whiten the face and reduce excess fat production on the facial skin. How to use it is very easy and simple, just apply honey evenly on the skin of the face and neck, then leave it for about 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Be sure before doing this treatment, first clean the skin of your face with clean water.

Updated 12-Sep-2019

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