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What is the Future of Messaging Apps?

What is the Future of Messaging Apps?

HARIDHA P100 12-Apr-2024

People use messaging applications for more than just texting. Messaging apps are used to communicate with the world of internet commerce, such as sending search engine queries and reserving restaurant reservations. This is something we're seeing a lot lately. Almost all messaging applications have added new features to compete with one another in the industry.

While the messaging app market appears to have exceeded 100 million downloads, the reality is that technology and user behavior are continually moving. This demonstrates that there is still room for new messaging apps to create their own success stories for the future.

Artificial Intelligence

AI-powered messaging apps have expanded beyond texting to link customers with companies. Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, Allo, and other popular messaging apps all enable chatbots for marketing, customer support, and other services.

Aside from being a selling point for current messaging apps, chatbots dramatically increase user engagement.

Video capability

Today, every messaging app offers video features, including basic video calling choices. Smartphone users seek such services since they have high bandwidth, and simply text messaging is insufficient. Video capabilities provide an added edge over competitors in the market, and the more imaginative one gets, the greater visibility the app will get.

Payment Options

Apple just released a new payment function for iMessage that allows customers to make payments while texting. If the user can pay via text, it makes paying easier and more convenient with just a few steps. This movement is only beginning to gain traction, and it is expected to become popular within the next several years. Everything from shopping payments to simple financial transfers to contacts can be done through the chat window.

Encryption is crucial for ensuring internet security. With new services like purchases and video calling, messaging applications handle practically all personal information, necessitating high levels of security encryption. While we're all aware that Whatsapp already provides end-to-end security, other apps will soon follow.

Social features

Most messaging apps are gradually morphing into social platforms, with features such as group conversations, broadcasts, and status sharing, among others. And this tendency is certain to continue, given that we all use messaging apps these days. We should expect to see a new level of social features developed in the next few years.


Messaging stimulates debate, allowing individuals to interact with one another, whereas an advertisement in a magazine or on television does not. When businesses contact their customers via messaging apps, customers have the opportunity to chat, ask questions, and engage with the brand.


Every time you interact with the brand via SMS, the brand receives data that it uses for learning. Any communication between the brand and you allows them to better understand their customers and provide better service in the future.

Based on these interactions, the corporation continuously improves its overall strategy, but on a granular level, by providing product offers that are more appropriate to each individual.

Extreme targeting

Conversations and ongoing learning enable brands to achieve extreme targeting. Every discussion between the consumer and the brand is a step towards determining exactly what the consumer wants, needs, and will react to.

Finally, a combination of automation, chatbots, and a conversational attitude will be the most effective type of messaging marketing.

Updated 12-Apr-2024
Writing is my thing. I enjoy crafting blog posts, articles, and marketing materials that connect with readers. I want to entertain and leave a mark with every piece I create. Teaching English complements my writing work. It helps me understand language better and reach diverse audiences. I love empowering others to communicate confidently.

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