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Bayesian Belief Networks

Bayesian Belief Networks

Bhavesh Badani39 09-Apr-2024

What Are BBNs?

  • A Bayesian Belief Network is a graphical representation of probabilistic relationships among different random variables.
  • These variables can represent anything: diseases, weather conditions, financial markets, or even whether your cat will knock over that glass of water.

Graphical Structure:

  • Imagine nodes (circles) connected by arrows (edges).
  • Each node represents a random variable (e.g., “Alarm ringing,” “Burglary,” “Fire”).
  • The arrows show dependencies between variables.

Conditional Independence:

  • BBNs are conditionally independent.
  • This means that each node’s probability depends only on its parents (directly connected nodes).

Example: Alarm System

Let’s consider a simple example: an alarm system in a house.


  • Alarm (A): Represents whether the alarm rings.
  • Burglary (B): Whether a burglary occurred.
  • Fire (F): Whether there’s a fire.
  • Person 1 (P1): Whether person 1 calls (hearing the alarm).
  • Person 2 (P2): Whether person 2 calls (also hearing the alarm).


 We have observed probabilities for each event:

  • P(B=T) = 0.001 (Burglary occurred)
  • P(F=T) = 0.002 (Fire occurred)
  • P(A|B,T) = 0.95 (Alarm rings given burglary and fire
  • P(A|B,T) = 0.95 (Alarm rings given burglary and fire)
  • P(A|B,F) = 0.94 (Alarm rings given burglary, no fire)
  • P(A|~B,~F) = 0.001 (Alarm rings when no burglary or fire)

Person Nodes:

P1 and P2 call based on the alarm:

  • P(P1|A,T) = 0.95 (Person 1 calls if alarm rings)
  • P(P2|A,T) = 0.80 (Person 2 calls if alarm rings)


  • What’s the probability that both P1 and P2 call when the alarm rings, but there’s no burglary (B) and no fire (F)?


  • We compute: P(P1, P2, A, ~B, ~F)
  • Using the observed probabilities, we find the joint probability.


Remember, Baysian belief network's help us reason about complex systems by breaking them down into simpler parts.

I am a dynamic and passionate fresher in the field of software development, equipped with a robust skill set and a fervent enthusiasm for creating innovative solutions. Armed with a solid foundation in programming languages such as Java, Javascript, I am adept at problem-solving and thrive in collaborative environments. My educational background, which includes a degree in Computer Science, has honed my abilities in software design, algorithms, and data structures.

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