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Causes of Excessive Sweating

Causes of Excessive Sweating

Niyati Thole428 04-May-2022

What Is Hyperhidrosis and How Does It Affect You?

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be caused by a variety of factors. Hyperhidrosis causes people to sweat excessively, to the point that perspiration can visibly flow from their fingertips.

When the temperature rises, you get a fever, you exercise, or you're concerned, agitated, or under stress, your sweat glands normally create perspiration that is delivered to the skin's surface. The nerves that trigger perspiration are placed on pause when those circumstances are no longer a concern.

The sebaceous glands do not shut down in the 1% or 2% of the community who suffer from hyperhidrosis. They sweat even though the conditions aren't conducive to it, such as when they're sitting in air conditioning or watching TV. Some people even go so far as to tell their physicians that they perspire in a pool.

The sort of sweating that is occurring determines the etiology of hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating is usually innocuous. Doctors are sometimes baffled as to why patients sweat excessively. In certain circumstances, hyperhidrosis is caused by conditions that you should be aware of.

Types of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is divided into two categories.

Primary hyperhidrosis (also known as focused or essential hyperhidrosis) is a condition in which the hands, underarms, cheeks, and feet sweat excessively for no obvious reason.

Secondary hyperhidrosis (also known as generalized hyperhidrosis) is a disorder that produces excessive sweating all over the body or in a greater region. It can be caused by extreme heat, as well as a medical condition or medicine.

Causes of Primary Hyperhidrosis

The glands of somebody with primary excessive sweating would constantly be turned up if their sweat glands had an 'on' switch.

Eccrine sweat glands are the most common kind of sweat gland in people with primary hyperhidrosis. These sweat glands account for the bulk of your body's 2-4 million sweat glands. On the feet, hands, cheeks, and armpits, there are many eccrine sweat glands.

Nerves stimulate the sweat glands when your body is hot when you're moving around when you're feeling emotional, or as a result of hormones. Hyperhidrosis occurs when those nerves respond. For example, a person may simply need to think about a stressful circumstance to break out in a sweat.

Although primary hyperhidrosis may be hereditary, doctors are unsure why people develop it. Many people tell their doctors that they've been sweating excessively since they were children.

  • Patients with primary excessive sweating may be capable of managing nonsurgical therapies such as:
  • Aluminum-based antiperspirants (over-the-counter or prescription-strength)
  • Anticholinergics are medications that influence nerve impulses to the sweat glands. You can take them as pills or use a lotion or a medicated wipe to apply them to your skin.
  • Iontophoresis is a reduced electrical current therapy.
  • Botox injections for sweating underarms
  • Anti-anxiety drugs can help you deal with the tension that causes you to sweat.

Causes of Secondary Hyperhidrosis

Secondary hyperhidrosis sweating differs from primary hyperhidrosis sweating in that it occurs all over or in a single broad location rather than simply the hands, armpits, face, or feet. This kind of hyperhidrosis, unlike primary hyperhidrosis, is more prone to produce sweating when sleeping.

And something is causing hyperhidrosis in this case: a medical problem or a drug.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by a variety of medical problems. Among them are the following:

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Menopause
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that affects people.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a kind of arthritis that affects the joints.
  • Lymphoma
  • Gout
  • Infection
  • Shingles
  • Heart failure or a heart attack
  • Failure of the respiratory system
  • Abuse of alcohol or other substances
  • Excessive perspiration is a side effect of several drugs. If you're taking any of the following medications, tell your doctor.
  • Alzheimer's medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Insulin and sulfonylureas are two types of diabetes medications.
  • Pilocarpine is a kind of pine (for glaucoma)

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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