
Selecting record from MySQL database in PHP

Anonymous User6770 20-Sep-2011

‘Select’ statement is used to select record from MySQL database server.Synatx: select column_name  from  table_name

Let’s have an example, how to select record from MySQL database server.

    // creatingconnection with mysql database server
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
    // check connection is establish or not
        die ("Connectionnot established! Please try again");
    echo '<b>Connection successfully open</b>'.'</br>';
    // selecting database
     mysql_select_db("MySqlDatabase", $con);
    // selectingrecord
    $qry = "Select * from mysqldatabse.tbllogin";
    // printselecting record
    $qryResult= mysql_query($qry);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qryResult))
        echo $row['Name'].'   '.$row['EmailId'].'   '.$row['Password'];
        echo '</br>';
    // Closingthe connection
    echo '<b>Connection closed successfully</b>';

Note: mysql_query() function sends a unique query (multiple queries are not supported) to the currently active database on the server that's associated with the specified link_identifier and mysql_fetch_array()function returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead.


Selecting record from MySQL database in PHP

Note: ‘*’ is used for selecting all records from table.

You can select specific column record.

    // creatingconnection with mysql database server
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
    // check connection is establish or not
        die ("Connectionnot established! Please try again");
    echo '<b>Connection successfully open</b>'.'</br>';
    // selecting database
     mysql_select_db("MySqlDatabase", $con);
    // selectingrecord with specified column name
    $qry = "Select Name,EmailId,Password from mysqldatabse.tbllogin";
    $qryResult= mysql_query($qry);
    // printselecting record
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qryResult))
        echo '</br>';
    //Closingthe connection
    echo '<b>Connection closed successfully</b>';

Note: print_r() function is used for print array.


Selecting record from MySQL database in PHP

Example: Selecting record with ‘where’ clause
    // creatingconnection with mysql database server
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
    // check connection is establish or not
        die ("Connectionnot established! Please try again");
    echo '<b>Connection successfully open</b>'.'</br>';
    // selecting database
     mysql_select_db("MySqlDatabase", $con);
    // selectingrecord with where clause
    $qry = "Select Password from mysqldatabse.tbllogin where EmailId =''";
    $qryResult= mysql_query($qry);
    // printselecting record
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qryResult))
       echo 'Password is : '.$row['Password'];
        echo '</br>';
    //Closingthe connection
    echo '<b>Connection closed successfully</b>';

Selecting record from MySQL database in PHP

Updated 04-Mar-2020
I am a content writter !

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