
A Better Look At Admission Process Of Boarding School

The Pestle School768 12-Feb-2019

Boarding schools have claimed a space for itself in the niche of education over time. For those who have been through a boarding school, it is definitely a memorable part of their life. Sometimes it is distance and quality of education that lead to children being sent to such places, whereas in other cases its sheer curiosity. There is hence a need for Boarding school admissions consultant for your child as his future matters here.

Why boarding school is best for your child?

But that's not all, there's more to it. It is a general belief that boarding schools ensure premium quality of education when compared to other schools. Also, students benefit from a wide range of other amenities and better accessibility of resources such as sports ground, library, halls and the like which equip them with chances to be occupied in extra-curricular activities such as sports, dance or music classes and similar practice sessions. Engaging students in co-scholastic undertakings such as this help they use their time productively instead of diverting it into unwanted technology.

Direct supervision of teachers is facilitated and this will enhance the way students use their time to study. Apart from imparting effective learning methodologies, the fact that inmates live in close proximity to each other curbs deviance and anti-social behaviours like smoking, substance abuse, and drinking.

Yet another positive aspect of schools being residential is that it will nurture stronger relationships. Student life is a period where friendship and bonds are created and developed. Students spend more time with their peers in hostel dormitories than few hours that they spend together in class. There is room for free expression and growth of relationships on a personal level in a residential setup rather than in a formal one like those in schools.

Despite these numerous positive vantage points, there are other stands as well. It is often assumed that living in a boarding school is equivalent to living in a state prison taking in regard its stringent, scheduled lifestyle and curfews. Monitored by superiors and regulated by bells and alarms it is likely that a mentality like this is formed. It controls a student’s interaction with the world outside their campus.

Restrictions like these turn out to be detrimental in some cases, for instance, students tend to be asocial or socio-phobic. Above all, students who stay in scenarios such as these have increased chances of feeling homesick. They miss out on homely food, fun, family time and much more. This is one major reason why young children loathe going to a boarding school.

There are risks of them developing different complexes and fears as a result of clashing interests or unfavourable experiences. There also exists a high chance of students being subject to bullying in such close living spaces. Apart from these factors, the additional burden of hostel fees over school fees is an issue that makes residential schools less preferred than normal schools. 

Albeit various notions that people have about boarding schools, they are always attributed a certain degree of standard that has only accelerated its demand and acclaim hence know about Admission process of boarding school with the help of this article.

Updated 12-Feb-2019
Situated in the foothills of the Himalayas, The Pestle Weed School is the heart of Dehradun. With aspiring youngsters and teachers nurturing and fostering the potential of all students,we challenge and foster them to help in making milestones.

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