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Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Anonymous User7386 17-Nov-2011

Media is the images, video, recordings, and files, you upload and use in your blog. Media is typically uploaded and inserted into the content when writing a Post or Page. Note that the Uploading Files section in the Settings Media Screen describes the location and structure of the upload directory

A Media menu has two items first one is ‘Library’ which is a display the number of added video, images, recordings etc into blog and second one is ‘Add New’ which is used for add new images, video or recording file etc into blog. Let’s see a brief demonstration on it.

Creating Media: For creating a ‘Media’ using WordPress follows the following steps…

Step 1: Login to WordPress Admin Panel (Dashboard)

Step 2: Selects ‘Media’ menu option and then after clicks on ‘Add New’.

Step 3: Upload appropriate media file

Step 4: If you are ready to upload it then clicks on ‘Save all changes’ button.

 Let’s see a brief description on Creating Media.

Login to WordPress Admin Panel (Dashboard) and selects the ‘Media’ menu option.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

In the ‘Media’ menu there are two options first one is ‘Library’ and second one is ‘Add New’. In ‘Library ‘ section, all the files you have uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to customize the display of this screen whereas ‘Add New’ option displays the screen of adding new media file. 

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

There are two options for uploading files: Select Files will open the Flash-based uploader (multiple file upload allowed), or you can use the Browser Uploader. Clicking Select Files opens a navigation window showing you files in your operating system where you could select an appropriate file. Let’s see a snapshot on it.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Here you can select an appropriate file and then click on ‘Open’ button.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Now click on ‘Save all changes’ button to save media file.

Using Media File:

For using ‘Media’ file in your webpage, open the WordPress Admin Panel (Dashboard) -> Media -> Library

Let’s see a snapshot on it.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

To use this media file into your page or posts, first of all click on the ‘Attach’ option then following window will be visible.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Here you can find out that page or post with which you want to attach media file. Through the attach navigation window you can search that page or post and attach media file with it.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Here I am searching ‘Exception Handling through JavaScript’ post and then after select post and click on ‘Select’ button.

Creating and Using Media in WordPress

Now you can see your attached image by clicking on ‘View’ link.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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