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What is Encapsulation in c#

Anonymous User7600 06-Jun-2012

Encapsulation is the procedure of covering up of data and functions into a single unit (called class).Encapsulation hides the internal state and behavior of an object. Encapsulation is a process of hiding all the internal details of an object from the outside world. Encapsulation is the ability to hide its data and methods from outside the world and only expose data and methods that are required.

Type Member Access Modifiers:

We use access modifiers such as private, public, protected. It provides a way to protect data. An access modifier allows you to specify the visibility.


Only within the same class. (default for class members)


Only in derived class or in the same class.


Only use within the same assembly. (default for types)

protected internal

Either use in derived assembly or use in the same assembly.


Any where use.

Example of encapsulation:

For example, we create a CustomerDetails class that has private, protected and public variables and functions. Also create class Update Balance that use protested member of base class Customer details. There is another class created called CustomerType inherits the UpdateBalance use the public member of CustomerDetails class.

What is Encapsulation in c#

Write down the following line of code.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;


namespace abstraction


    public partial class frmEncapsulation : Form


        public frmEncapsulation()





        public class CustomerDetails


            private int CustomerID; //private type variables accessable only same class

            private string CustomerName; //private type variable accessable only same class

            protected double Balance;   //protected type variable accessable only same class and 1 level derived class

            public string CustomerType; //public type variable accessable anywhere


            private void Input(int customerId, string customerName) //private method not directly called


                CustomerID=customerId;  //use the private member in same class

                CustomerName=customerName;  //ues the private member in same class



            public void Input(int customerId, string customerName, double balance)//public function


                Input(customerId, customerName); //public function call the private method in the the same class

                Balance=balance;//use of protected function in the same class


            public void Display()   //public function


                MessageBox.Show("Customer Details\nCustomer ID..." + CustomerID+"\nCustomer Name..."+CustomerName+"\nCustomer Balance..."+Balance);



        public class BalanceUpdate : CustomerDetails  //creatin child class BalanceUpdate from the base class CustomerDetails

        {    //so BalanceUpdate automatically derived the protected, public property/method of CustomerDetails

            public void AddBalance(double balance)//create the public function


                if (balance > 0)

                    Balance = Balance + balance; //access the prtected member of base class


                    MessageBox.Show("give valid balance");


            public void SubstractBalance(double balance) //create the public function


                if (balance > 0)

                    Balance = Balance - balance; //access the prtected member of base class 


                    MessageBox.Show("give valid balance");




        public class CustomerType : BalanceUpdate //creatin child class CustomerType from the base class BalanceUpdate

        {   /BalanceUpdate also a child class of a CustomerDetails so CustomerType automatically derived the only public property and method of CustomerDetails

            public void GetType(string customerType)


                CustomerType = customerType; //access the public member of CustomerDetails class


            public void Show()


          Display(); //access the public function of CustomerDetails class

   MessageBox.Show("Customer Type Details\nCustomer Type..." + CustomerType);




        private void buttonShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            CustomerType CT = new CustomerType(); //creating object of CustomerType class

            double Bal = Int32.Parse(txtBalance.Text);

            CT.Input(Int32.Parse(txtCustomerID.Text), txtCustomerName.Text, Bal);//access the public function of CustomerDetails class

            CT.GetType(txtCustometType.Text);//access the public member of CustomerType class

            CT.Show();      //access the public member of CustomerType class


            CT.AddBalance(3000);//access the public member of BalanceUpdate class

            CT.Show();//access the public member of CustomerType class


            CT.SubstractBalance(2000);//access the public member of BalanceUpdate class

            CT.Show();//access the public member of CustomerType class






 Fill the required fields and click on the button ‘Show’.

What is Encapsulation in c#


What is Encapsulation in c#

Display the information of Customer details.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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