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Access to a variable from a view in another view

Anonymous User 1776 23-Dec-2013

I have the following problem with applpication:


@model IEnumerable<ForestryManagement.Models.Forestry>
 @foreach (var forestry in Model)
        <li>@Html.ActionLink(forestry.Name, "Index12", new {tree = forestry.ForestryID})

When you click on one Forestry (ActionLink), you will be redirected to the Index12, where the trees from these Forestry are listed


@model IEnumerable<ForestryManagement.Models.Tree>
@foreach (var item in Model) {
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.treeName)
@Html.ActionLink("Create new Tree", "Create", new { id = **??????**})

Now, when i will create another tree in this forestry, i need the ID from the forestry on my Index12.cshtml page for the ActioLink

Updated on 23-Dec-2013
I am a content writter !

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