
Home / DeveloperSection / Forums / How to check if an ASP.Net File Upload Control has a file in JQuery?

How to check if an ASP.Net File Upload Control has a file in JQuery?

Anonymous User 2214 19-Jan-2015

So I'm writing a custom validator and I need to check if a file has been uploaded using the File Upload Control.

So far I have:

function validate(sender, args)
    if ($('#<%=hdnID.ClientID%>').val() != "False")
        args.IsValid =true;
        if ($('#<%=fup.ClientID %>').val() != '' )
            alert("Run some code here");
        { }

The bit that is not right is

if ($('#<%= fup.ClientID %>').val() != '' )

I'm not sure how to determine whether the control has a file or not. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks.

Updated on 19-Jan-2015
I am a content writter !

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