
Home / DeveloperSection / Blogs / Creating draggable content with HTML 5 is very simple

Creating draggable content with HTML 5 is very simple

Anonymous User5537 28-Oct-2010

Making an object draggable is now very simple with HTML5. Set the draggable attribute of any element you want to make moveable. With HTML 5 you can make anything draggable, including images, links, files, or other DOM nodes.

As an example, let's start creating rearrange able columns. The basic markup may look something like this:

<div id="col1">     <div class="cls1" draggable="true">         <header>Section 1</header>     </div>     <div class="cls1" draggable="true">         <header> Section 1</header>     </div>     <div class="cls1" draggable="true">         <header> Section 1</header>     </div> </div>

Updated 18-Sep-2014
I am a content writter !

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