7 Tips for Getting Started on A New Career Path
7 Tips for Getting Started on A New Career Path

There are a lot of people who are stuck in a career that they have no passion for. This is due to the fact that most people choose their career based on the interests they have as a teen or during their early twenties.

List Paging in Sencha Touch
List Paging in Sencha Touch

I my previous article I have explain about how we can achieve Create, Update, Delete and Search functionalities by using SQL Express, ASP.Net MVC Web API and Sencha Touch (Sencha Architect).

CRUD Operation using Sencha Touch and ASP.Net MVC Web API
CRUD Operation using Sencha Touch and ASP.Net MVC Web API

In this article I am going to explain and demonstrate how to create a simple ASP.Net MVC Web API and Sencha touch app together to perform create, read, update and delete functionality in SQL Server database.

Toggle Field in Sencha Touch
Toggle Field in Sencha Touch

In this article, I’m explaining the toggle field in sencha touch and how to use it in our application.

Spinner Field in Sencha Touch
Spinner Field in Sencha Touch

In this article, I’m explaining the spinner field in sencha touch and how to use it in our application.

Slider Field in Sencha Touch
Slider Field in Sencha Touch

In this article, I’m explaining the slider field in sencha touch and how to use it our application.