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Return empty string in decimal function

Anonymous User 1961 25-Aug-2014

I create a function to compare the price of my item. This is my function:

public static decimal ComparePrice(decimal Price, decimal WebsitePrice)
        decimal ZERO_PRICE = 0.00000M;
        if(Price == ZERO_PRICE && WebsitePrice > ZERO_PRICE){
            return WebsitePrice;
        }else if(Price == ZERO_PRICE && WebsitePrice == ZERO_PRICE){
            return "";
            return Price;

if the both(price and websiteprice) is equal 0.00, then it will return the empty string,

 I know it is not possible to return the string while the function is set to decimal type,

 but i have no idea what should I do about that. Anyone can help? 


c# c# 
Updated on 25-Aug-2014
I am a content writter !

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