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Example of mvc

Anonymous User 2115 17-Nov-2014

this is a General Question about MVC ..

I wrote a PHP Class that send an Array with Core JsonData Strings to Jquery .. and on Jquery i´m accessing the data and add them to my views ( .append("htm stuff"+jsondata) )

now the Jquery is calling the data from a between.php page that has a catch block with many cases, and upon the called case/function , the between page is calling a function from the php class that sends the json data ..

so i have my oop php model that send the core jsondata , a controller ( catch block), and the view ( the jquery page) .. is this kind of MVC ? or i did miss understand it ?

an example of my code was posted on a previous Question here.

Updated on 18-Nov-2014
I am a content writter !

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