MindStick Cleaner FAQ ?

FAQ Related To MindStick Cleaner


MindStick Cleaner, developed by MindStick Software Pvt. Ltd. is a free tool built to clean your Windows PC in just a few minutes. It protects your online privacy, frees disk space, makes your PC more secure and improves the performance of your computer. It is easy to install, easy to use and has auto-update functionality built in.

You can use MindStick cleaner to delete temporary files, windows log files, windows error reporting, recycle bin, browser history, cookies etc.

MindStick Cleaner does not provide any utility to recover data.

You can download MindStick cleaner by visiting download page of MindStick web site. You can also download MindStick cleaner by clicking following link https://www.mindstick.com/Products/Cleaner

You do not need any additional software to use MindStick Cleaner. MindStick cleaner is stand alone software. Only installation requirement is .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows PC system (XP, Vista, Windows7, and Windows Server 2008).

You did not get direct support for MindStick Cleaner but if you have any query regarding MindStick cleaner then you can contact us by using following link. We really appreciate you taking time to provide any suggestions or report bugs. https://www.mindstick.com/ContactUs

You can install MindStick cleaner on Windows PC which can be Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7 and Windows Server 2008.

MindStick Cleaner Support following browses Browser Name Version Clean Area. Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 Temporary Files, Internet History, Cookies, Recent types URLs, Index.DAT files. Mozilla Firefox 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Download History, Saved Form Information, Saved Passwords. Google Chrome All version Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Download History, Saved Form Information, Saved Passwords. Opera All major version Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Website Icons, Saved Passwords. Safari 3, 4, 5 Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Saved Form Information, Saved Passwords.

Yes, MindStick Cleaner is free software. No payment is required to download MindStick Cleaner.

Yes, MindStick Cleaner software is safe to use. It does not delete any essential files from your system; it only removes junk files from your system. It does not contain any worm or spyware.

Yes MindStick Cleaner software support 64 bit (x64) operating system.

Yes, MindStick Cleaner support 32 bit (x86) operating system.

Yes, you can add link of MindStick Cleaner on your website.

No, you don’t need to uninstall yourself while upgrading from older version to new version. MindStick Cleaner will perform this job automatically.

No, MindStick Cleaner doesn’t install in silent mode. When you are going to install MindStick Cleaner then a wizard will open which will guide you for rest of process.

Currently MindStick Cleaner is available in English language.

Yes, for installing MindStick Cleaner you must have administrative rights.

Currently MindStick Cleaner cleans current user account data.

It is not mandatory. User can also run MindStick Cleaner and clean unnecessary files from system. Only specific functionality requires administrator privilege such as Windows Log Files, Windows Error Reporting and Memory Dumps.

Yes, You can follow MindStick on FaceBook. MindStick have a page https://www.facebook.com/pages/MindStick-Software-Pvt-Ltd/111606255562715 on FaceBook.

You need to analyze only when you want to see which portion of your PC is clean and how much space is freed after cleaning.

It will depend upon the number and size of junk files.

MindStick Cleaner cleans files from recycle bin, temporary files, internet history, log files created by windows, windows error reporting etc.

You can select all checkboxes of particular category by clicking on image. Suppose you want to select all checkboxes of Internet Explorer category then by clicking on Internet Explorer icon you can select all items and when all items are select then by clicking on Internet Explorer icon you can deselect all items.

You can apply default settings for MindStick Cleaner by clicking on Settings button then check Apply default settings checkbox and finally click on Apply button.

MindStick Cleaner removes only junk files from your system. It will remove temporary and non-essential files which are created by your system and browser.