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Auto Increment id by Using Stored Procedure

Anonymous User42568 15-Mar-2011

In this blog I am going to explain that how to create a procedure which automatically increment id of table. For implementing this task I had created a table which has two columns such as id and name. Value in id column is automatically inserted by procedure and value in name column is passed by variable in procedure.

Creating a table in SQLSERVER
create table AutoIncrementTable
     id bigint,
     name varchar(50)

After creating table now I am going to create a paramentrized stored procedure which insert value in table and
accept name as parameter. This procedure insert id in table automatically and increment id by 1.

Creating parametrized stored procedure

alter proc p_auto_increment_table_proc
@name varchar(50)
declare @Id bigint
select @Id=count(Id)+1 from AutoIncrementTable
     insert into AutoIncrementTable values(@Id,@name)

After creating stored procedure now execute it and see the result.

Executing stored procedure

p_auto_increment_table_proc 'Alok'

This will insert record in table and each time id is automatically incremented.

Updated 18-Sep-2014
I am a content writter !

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