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Ajax Toolkit TextBoxWatermarkExtender Control in ASP.Net

Pushpendra Singh18721 03-Dec-2010

TextBoxWatermark is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to an ASP.NET TextBox control to get watermark behavior. When a watermarked TextBox is empty, it displays a message to the user. Once the user has typed some text into the TextBox, the watermarked appearance disappears.

TextBoxWatermark Properties:

TargetControlID - The ID of the TextBox to operate on

Watermark Text - The text to show when the control has no value


 <%-- ScriptManager control manages client script for AJAX enabled ASP.NET pages.This enables partial-page rendering and Web-service calls.You have to used this if you want to use ajax control toolkit--%>
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<%--Add the TextWatermarkExtender here --%>
<cc1:TextBoxWatermarkExtender ID="TextBoxWatermarkExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1"WatermarkCssClass="TextWatermarkCss" WatermarkText="Enter Your Name"></cc1:TextBoxWatermarkExtender>
<%--Add the one textbox here --%>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

Add the css in head tag on aspx page

     color: Gray;
     font-style: italic;
     font-family: Calibri;


Run the project

Ajax Toolkit TextBoxWatermarkExtender Control in ASP.Net

When you click in the text then watermark text will disappear.


Ajax Toolkit TextBoxWatermarkExtender Control in ASP.Net

Updated 04-Mar-2020

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